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Reimagining the Alumni Experience

If you’re engaged in high school or higher education advancement, or managing an alumni group, Harpier is here to offer support at every step of the way.

In today’s world, personalized experiences are the key to success. That’s why we’re on a mission to transform the alumni experience, benefiting both your institution and your alumni.

Join us on this journey to enhance how you can empower your alumni to become exemplary stewards of your institution. You will cultivate an advancement experience that is more pleasant and successful for all.

The Core KPI We Solve For – Increased Alumni Giving (time & money)

Your alumni are eager to get involved. 

Some want to contribute financially, others would donate their time, and some may simply be willing to share their stories for the betterment of others in your community.

Unfortunately, managing this diverse group can be challenging, leading to a lack of meaningful connection between alumni and their institution. 

They are often approached solely for donations or receive newsletters that may not resonate with them.
This diminishes their overall experience, which directly impacts your institutional KPIs, including donation rates, merchandise purchases, and other key metrics. 

However, there is a solution. 

At Harpier, we specialize in dedicating time to your alumni for your benefit. We gather their stories as well as participation interests and preferences in order to curate superior alumni experiences and foster greater engagement within your community at scale, resulting in increased contributions and long-term satisfaction.

With Harpier, your institution can reap the benefits of a more connected and involved alumni network.

The Solution – Providing a Better Alumni Experience

Considering the constraints of limited time and attention for both alumni and advancement counselors, we focus on investing time with your alumni on your behalf to ensure the collective benefit of your entire institution.

We prioritize alumni care as we’ve identified it as the core issue. When we address engaging alumni well, we can trigger a positive chain reaction effect on other advancement-related KPIs. The greater the involvement of alumni with a positive experience, the more likely they are to engage again.
On top of that, research shows that contributing time leads to contributing more money.

Our initial step is to collect current information about your alumni directly and gauge their interest and preferences towards contributing.

We assist them in sharing their stories across different contexts about your institution, enabling you to leverage these narratives effectively towards your most relevant institutional goals.
This means that they can provide testimonials regarding their academic, social, extra-curricular experiences for admissions purposes. They can also share insights into their career journey for current students seeking internships and jobs. And more.

For the interested alumni, we design a better alumni experience where they contribute and participate based on your institutional needs as well as their own interests; elevating them from general members of the alumni network into valued stewards.

We design an experience for them to ensure that they contribute and stay contributing.

Get a Demo to see how it works.

How It Works:


You share your institution’s goals and receive a tailored solution priced according to your individual needs.

No need to figure out anything new; you just reach out to your alumni and we take care of their onboarding. We handle the research and codification of alumni stories on your behalf.

You receive a fully functioning, customized microsite with the application seamlessly integrated into your website within 2-6 weeks, based on the project scope.

Personalized Experience Curation:

By gathering and codifying the alumni stories and their participation interests and preferences, we provide personalized experiences for each alum, empowering them to control how they choose to contribute while you reap the benefits of added human-power towards your agenda.

Throughout the alumni experience, we track how things are going, keeping the alumni activated and engaged continuously. This enhances the overall experience for your short and long-term benefit, ensuring a win-win scenario.

Effortless Backend Management:

We are here to support you. Our technology mechanism is specifically designed to align with the data structures you are already using, ensuring a seamless integration and enhancing efficiency without adding to your technological challenges.

It’s crucial to emphasize that you maintain complete ownership of and access to all alumni data associated with your institution. Our role is to assist you in optimizing and repurposing this data to seamlessly align with your specific goals.

Why Choose Us?

With over a decade of experience in educational and career consulting, we have helped numerous individuals navigate the advancement process. During this period, we conducted an extensive study on the psychology behind what matters most to individuals and what creates the most value to them.

Drawing on this research, we’ve developed a distinctive technological solution that empowers institutions like yours to leverage this knowledge, enhancing the experience for all stakeholders while optimizing your resources towards achieving your specific key performance indicators (KPIs).

From the very first step of introducing the system to individuals, we observe an immediate increase in interactions, subsequently leading to increased participation and donations.

Unlock Greater Success: Join Harpier Today!

Take the first step towards transforming your alumni experience. Contact us now to schedule a consultation to discover how Harpier can assist your institution. Let’s collaborate to shape a brighter future for your institution and its past, current, and future members.